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Helping the Helper: Scaling Mental Wellness Support via Generative AI

Join us on Wednesday, November 1st from 12-1pm (Pacific) as we explore how generative AI could transform the future of online peer-to-peer counseling. We’ll be joined by Dr. Diyi Yang, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University, to discuss how we can leverage this powerful technology to improve the quality, scalability, and efficacy of online peer-to-peer counseling. 

Peer counseling is a promising way to scale mental wellness support, but the efficacy of this type of support can vary widely. So, how do we provide peer counselors with thetraining and support they need in order to be effective? And how do we do this at scale?

In the first half of her talk, Dr. Yang will explore how machine learning algorithms can be used to enhance the quality of counseling interactions. In one study, an algorithm was built to identify common therapy strategies that counselors use and understand how these text signals correlate with changes in the seekers’ mental health. In the second half of her talk, Dr. Yang will introduce CARE, an interactive AI agent that supports therapists through AI-empowered feedback and deliberative practices. Join this illuminating discussion to find out how machine learning algorithms and generative AI tools like CARE could enhance the capabilities of counselors and make peer-to-peer counseling more accessible than ever.

About Dr. Diyi Yang: Diyi Yang is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. Her research focuses on natural language processing for social impact. She has received multiple best paper awards and recognitions at leading conferences in NLP and HCI. She is a recipient of IEEE “AI 10 to Watch” (2020), Intel Rising Star Faculty Award (2021), Samsung AI Researcher of the Year (2021), Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship (2021), NSF CAREER Award (2022), and an ONR Young Investigator Award (2023). 

CME Credits: You may be eligible to receive CME credits for attending this Hubinar. More information will be provided at the start of the event. If you have questions, please reach out to Pippa Kennard (

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Please note: this Hubinar will NOT be recorded.

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